Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Burp..

I will be 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have to share this story. This might be TMI but most of you know that I over share by now. K, so this just happened...

Kris and I were on a drive looking for a nice park to take a walk in. Well, we couldn't find one so we decided to look at all the huge homes in the neighborhood we found. BUT I guess all the turning around and U-turns got to me because I started feeling nauseous. Nothing out of the ordinary for me lately though thanks to all the horomones. And then it happened...

I burped and threw up ALL over myself!!!

In my hair, all in my lap, all over my hand and face too because I tried to catch it. I didn't get any in the car though! I guess that is the positive way to look at it...

Kris was great and grabbed me napkins out of the glove box and we both starting laughing SO hard! You know you've got a good one when doesn't think any less of you with throw up all over yourself at 26...


  1. That's so awesome! One of the many embarrassing things to come :)

  2. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA I'm like dying laughing right now. I'm glad you are doing all of the ridiculous pregnant stuff so I won't have to :-p

  3. Oh man that is brutal! You poor thing. The first trimester is the worst! Lucky you didn't get any in your car...Josh barfed 3 times (in a matter of 2 minutes) a couple months ago all over our car. We had to get it detailed. It was awful!
