Thursday, December 2, 2010


cyni·cal (sin′i kəl)
1. believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness; denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions, or the value of living
2. sarcastic, sneering, etc.
3. Cynic

AS much as I believe in LOVE (and have felt it in my own life)... I have to say that underneath it all, I'm a huge realist/cynic. All of this, Christmas, Happy Happy Joy Joy, "We're SOOOO in Love" hoopla is driving me crazy!!! Do you ever look at some one's page and feel like their rubbing their life in your face?!? For example: Why do I need to see 20 pictures of the same thing from different angles?!? Nobody cares!!! (EXCEPT FOR YOU)

Okay, well now that I've probably offended most of my friends. I know I'm guilty of this myself. That's the funny part... besides being a Cynic.. I'm also Hypocrite. And it's really annoying...


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